At the March Council Meeting, the following tariff increases were announced for the 2019/20 financial year. They apply from 1 July.
- Property rates up 5.5 %
- Electricity up 12.2 %
- Water up 9.9 %
- Sewer up 9.9 %
- Refuse up 7 %
Proposed Tariff increases from July 1
… At the March Council Meeting, the following tariff increases were announced for the 2019/20 financial year. They apply from 1 July.
I am taking some of the info from a book/pamphlet published in 1975. Not a lot has changed except perhaps the price of water.
If you grow your own veges, you don’t just save money, you get a fantastic bonus – everything you eat is FRESH. The catch may be that you are too successful......when your wife/husband complains that “we are going to look like carrots” or your friends in the office are getting less grateful for the surplus veges you bring in. This tends to happen if you grow from seed – so either share with friends (they could grow 1 type of veg and you could grow another and swap), seed at intervals, or just buy seedlings from a nursery and perhaps start small. But nothing is ever quite so easy as it sounds – there are pests which can be a problem (rabbits seem to eat quite a lot, especially in Donovan Rd) – Loerie can also be a pest, so netting and fencing the area helps a lot as does compost and of course water/irrigation. All long grass should be cut by the 1st of May each year and if not, please report this to Environmental Health on 011 375 5555 and get a reference number.
Some residents like a wild area for the animals and bees and butterflies but then a 5 metre fire break must be cut all around the property boundary throughout the year to help prevent the fire from jumping to another property. It's that time of the year, and complaints have been received about loud music and noisy parties. If you are affected by the noise, (and this applies to noise from any source which is unacceptable) please complete the Affidavit (see below) and either take the original copy to the Environmental Health Dept at Alphen Square North, Unit 6 & 7, Cnr George & 16th Road, Randjespark, or drop it in the tube at the gate of 82 Donovan Road. SEE BELOW HOW TO DO THE AFFIDAVIT AND HAVE IT STAMPED AT THE MIDRAND POLICE STATION Affidavits may be in any format on condition that it complies with the standards required per definition in order for it to be acceptable to court. 1. An affidavit; 1.1 is a, usually written in the first person, individualised, voluntarily statement of fact made by a person (deponent) about an incident/matter and how he/she experienced the incident and/or witnessed the incident, under oath and/or affirmation that it is the truth. If more than one person experienced and/or witnessed a particular incident/matter each must make his/her own individualised, voluntarily statement of fact under oath and/or affirmation that it is the truth. Deponent (a person who makes a statement and signs it under oath) 1.2 must be sworn and/or affirmed as being the truth and the deponent must sign in the presence of a person duly authorized in this capacity by law, whom is to certify in terms of the Regulations Governing the Administering of an Oath or Affirmation, R 1258 of 21 July 1972 as Amended, that the deponent has acknowledged that he/she understands the contents of the statement, has no objection in taking the prescribed oath and/or affirmation, and considers the prescribed oath and/or affirmation binding on his/her conscience. This serves as evidence to the statement’s authenticity and is required for legal action and court proceedings. 2. An Affidavit must; 2.1 identify the individual making the statement (deponent). 2.2 affirm where he/she resides. 2.3 state; 2.3.1 when 2.3.2 where 2.3.3 what happened 2.3.4 and how it effects and/or has impact on the deponent and what led up to the statement. 2.4 be to the point about the incident and facts related to it and verification thereof. 2.5 refer to and identify supporting evidence affixed, if any. 2.6 be signed by the deponent in the presence of the authorised person certifying that he/she acknowledges the content of the statement to be accurate and the truth and that he/she considers the prescribed oath and/or affirmation binding to his/her conscience. 3. An Affidavit may not; 3.1 be addressed to a specific person. 3.2 address unrelated incidents. 3.3 make assumptions or reflect hearsay as fact. 3.4 make demands. 3.5 be on behalf of a group of people. 4. By signing the affidavit, the subject is making an oath of honesty. All facts within the document must be true. If they are found to be false, the person making the statement may be punishable by law and/or guilty of contempt of Court.
Wow, doesn’t time fly. It is four years since our first application was granted for a Gated Community and we now have to submit a renewal application to the City of Johannesburg for the next two years. Our area has been free of serious crime. We have taken back our streets. Residents can now run, walk, jog, cycle, skateboard or ride their horses which was not the case in 2010. The value of our properties has increased. One of the requirements is to request that you again sign for the continuation of the Closure and therefore we ask if you will complete the attached form. We require one signature per property owned. It can be signed by the Property Owner or a Tenant. We require this form returned to us as soon as possible. You can email it to us at [email protected] or fax to 086 540 5923 or drop the original off in the tube at the gate of 82 Donovan Road.
GUARD HOUSE - ROSIES PLACE You may have seen some activity at last as we have commenced completing the Guardhouse. We would like to thank the following people for donating cash or materials for the project during October. Vascumed on Rosies Place - Fred Cawood Leogem - Andre Christos Paul Valente Andre Bothma for letting us connect to his septic tank. Always a thank you also to Theila Antoniades who supplies us with signs and notices on a regular basis. Cowan Signs have also donated new Directional signs for the closed gates. Again we appeal to those who have yet to pay their Infrastructure fee of R5000 to do so, so that we can finish the project quickly and update the cameras, etc. It is only fair that everyone living within the road closure contributes towards the ongoing repairs and upgrades of camera systems, etc. Gates and fences have to be painted and maintained. The application/renewal fees also have to be paid.
We received the correspondence below from Lokisa Environmental Consulting on 11th November 2015. It refers to the proposed road K109 (Dale Road). A map can be found in the document library under EIA's Planning Applications.
Dear I&AP Notice is hereby given in terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 2010 published in Government Notice R543, R544, R545 and R546 of 2010, in terms of Section (5) of the National Environmental Management Act (Act No 107 of 1998) (as amended) that Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport has submitted an application to Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD) for the proposed Road K 109. Acknowledgement of the submission of the application was obtained from the Department of Agricultural and Rural Development (GDARD) on 17/12/2014. NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF DRAFT SCOPING REPORT FOR PUBLIC REVIEW All I&Ap’s are hereby notified that the draft Scoping Report is available for public comment from 11 November to 11 December 2015 at the offices of Lokisa Environmental Consulting CC (72 Herbert Baker Street, Groenkloof). Should you require a copy (on CD) please be so kind as to contact the Ms Delia de Lange at the contact number below or at [email protected]. Regards, Faith Makena LOKISA ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING CC REG NO: 2006/217689/23 72 HERBERT BAKER ST, GROENKLOOF, PRETORIA, 0181 P.O.BOX 219 GROENKLOOF 0027 TEL (012) 346 7655 FAX (012) 346 6075, CELL: 079 941 6075 [email protected] www.lokisa.co.za The 2010 tree of the year is the well-known Acacia xanthophloea. This spectacular tree with it’s straight, luminous yellow trunk and its feathery, spreading canopy is rightfully one of our most popular indigenous trees. The common name, Fever tree, comes from the early settlers who thought the trees were responsible for the fever they contracted when they were in the vicinity of these trees. In fact, it was malaria that they contracted from the mosquitoes that lived in the swampy areas where the trees are commonly found.. Many bird species and especially weavers, use the Acacia xanthophloea for building their nests as the thorns offer shade underneath the canopy is perfect for smaller plants that require some protection from harsh sunlight. Whether this magnificent tree is used as a focal point in the landscape or planted in a group or as an avenue, the effect is always absolutely breath-taking. As night falls over the Makgadigadi Pans, large trees stand starkly against the horizon, leafless branches reach for the light. As the sun sinks lower, the sky drains of all colour until just red remains. On the opposite side of the sky, Earth’s shadow is rising, bringing a curtain of indigo and the promise of a clear night. Science and art merge as a myriad of stars burn fiercely overhead, dissolving into infinitude, and our thoughts follow. – Beth Moon Did you know that trees grow faster when high levels of cosmic radiation reach the earth’s surface, and impacts tree growth even more than annual temperature or rainfall?
Elize Fourie is the project leader of the Rose-ringed Parakeet Project at the University of the Witwatersrand. These birds are listed as a Category 2 Invasive Species in South Africa and the aim of the project is to further investigate the occurrence, distribution, ecology and behaviour of these birds in Gauteng. She has been receiving data on sightings and roosting/breeding locations of these birds from the citizens of Gauteng. Hereby, she has found that these birds may tend to feed, roost or nest in residential estates. Therefore, she is contacting us to find out whether we have sighted these birds at in our estate and also whether these birds feed, nest or roost in Glen Austin. If you have any information on these birds or know of any breeding/roosting sites in your estate or anywhere else, please contact Elize on [email protected]. You can also submit any data to the project by following this link: http://goo.gl/forms/OvbdSanz4B. Kind regards, Elize Fourie The Rose-ringed Parakeet Project DST-NRF Intern University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg |